Good Morning Coffee!

It’s fun to sit by the door of the coffee shop and watch people come in for their morning cup’a joe.
Some, still in their slippers, stagger in as if their life depended on getting to the counter. Others fling open the door and race to make their demands known. Some will be here for awhile, choosing to visit with other bleary-eyed patrons or getting out the laptop to plug into the world. It’s as if we are drawn to this “Mecca-like” place with a common goal of warmth and caffeine, one of the last legal drugs, to get the day started.
I went looking for coffee themed shirts- thinking of getting one for every day. Would that be over the top?
Lots of messages to choose from:
Instant Human- just add coffee
Coffee! Do stupid things faster and with more energy!
Coffee before talkie
I haven’t had my coffee yet. Don’t make me kill you.
I’m waiting to see if my coffee chooses to use it’s powers for good or evil today.
I’ve had my coffee- you may speak.
I put Red Bull in my coffee pot this morning instead of water. Right now I can see noises. (My new favorite)
Coffee- [N.] A magical substance that turns “Leave me alone or die.” into “Good morning, honey.”
Will keep searching….

This is the day that the “One Who is Not Me” (Thanks Anne Lamott) has made- let’s us celebrate and be festive. Psalm 118 (kinda) Today there is nothing to worry, fret or obsess about because you are a Beloved Child of God. (I put this in all caps so you know I mean it.) I’m praying for you and I to believe this every day about ourselves.

See you tomorrow!
Megan's sunrisephoto by Megan Litz

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